I am using the digital signature(s) function in Acrobat Pro 9 for digital sign-off of manufacturing documents. I have set up four fields for 4 separate authorization signatures. For subsequent updates to the document, I set up the fields in a form style with columns. However, I need to now update the document - remove one of the pages of the document with an update page. On going into the thumbnail viewer and attempting to remove the page I want to replace, I am unable to accomplish this. Security Properties show "Changing the Document: Not Allowed".
My question - Is there any possible way around this that will allow me to allow the changing of the document even though it has been signed?? PS>Security is set to "No Security"
This was a change to version 9. In order to protect the sanctity of the signature, doc modification at the page level are prohibited. You'll need either, an unsigned version of the document, or, clear the signatures. You'll need access to the private keys in order to clear the signatures.
If per chance you created the first signature you could use the View Signed Version feature and save the copy with just the one signature. You could then clear the signature and you'd have a fresh copy of the file.
Steven Madwin
Software QA Engineer
Adobe Systems Incorporated
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Steven [dot] Madwin [at] adobe [dot] com