By A Landis — January 02, 2015
The basics for the paperless world
By Ken Proulx — July 19, 2014
A collection of tools that are frequently needed in preparing documents responsive to Requests for Production of Documents (RFP) in a lawsuit.
By Donna Baker — June 10, 2014
This specialized tool set is designed to provide all the accessibility-related commands at your fingertips.
By Donna Baker — June 10, 2014
This tool set helps you perform various types of edits in your PDF file from a word or sentence to a scanned document.
By Carl Spackler — May 29, 2013
This set contains every possible tool; really useful if you can't find a tool or to simply size up the scope of what's possible.
By Donna Baker — May 15, 2013
Documents used in legal proceedings have special needs for control, management, and content. This tool set helps you put your documents together, capture text, review and modify the data and content, and add security. Tools for collaboration are also included.
By Donna Daker — May 15, 2013
Use this tool set to export your documents in formats ranging from Microsoft Word to images. Tools also help prepare your documents for exporting. Make last minute edits to content, clean up hidden and unnecessary information in the file, and manage links before exporting.
By Lori Kassuba — April 11, 2013
Common tools for optimizing documents (including scanned files), reducing file size, removing hidden information or sensitive content, and securing files.
By Ted Padova — September 24, 2012
The tools are ordered according to the more frequent tasks I perform.
By Marcus Radzuweit — September 22, 2012
This tool set helps when working with AcroForms.
By Chris Converse — September 18, 2012
Have you ever had to make those last-minute edits to a PDF file? This tool set of tools brings together the tools that let you add text and graphics, edit objects, as well as crop and replace pages. When you are done, use the Send for Shared Review to get approval on all your design changes.
Have you ever had to make those last-minute edits to a PDF file? This tool set of tools brings together the tools that let you add text and graphics, edit objects, as well as crop and replace pages. When you are done, use the Send for Shared Review to get approval on all your design changes.
By Chris Converse — September 18, 2012
This set combines the tools for adding media, editing media elements, and setting the playback experience of the PDF file.