By Lori DeFurio February 20, 2007
I’m often asked how to create a custom dynamic stamp by users who have noticed the dynamic stamp capability in Adobe Acrobat software. This tip reviews how to produce your own.
Note: Dynamic Stamps were first added in Acrobat 6. The instructions here are specifically for Acrobat 8, but most of the instructions are the same for earlier versions of Acrobat.
Note: The Text Field form tool is required, which means you must use Acrobat Professional to create a custom dynamic stamp.
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Figure 1. Using a dynamic stamp in Acrobat 8 Professional.
A dynamic stamp consists of the image of the stamp and a Text Form Field with JavaScript that creates the dynamic information (Figure 2).
Figure 2. A dynamic stamp consists of the PDF image and a Text Form field with JavaScript.
Your dynamic stamp can be stored in one of two locations for Acrobat 8 in Windows:
Figure 3. Location of the PDF containing the default dynamic stamps in WindowsXP
Choose Comments > Comments & Markup Tools > Stamps > Create Custom Stamp.
Select the file you want to be your custom stamp. The stamp can be in many file formats, including PDF, a graphic (*.tif, *.bmp, *.gif, *.jpg, *.png, *.pcx), a native Microsoft Office document (*.doc, *.xls, *.ppt), an AutoCAD® drawing, or an HTML page. To see all the possible formats you have available - select File > Create PDF > From File and check the Files of Type drop-down list.
Figure 4: List of file formats that can automatically be converted to an Acrobat stamp
See larger image
Create or choose a category and name your stamp. (See Figure 4).
Figure 5. Custom stamp with a new category and name
When you select OK, your stamp is automatically created in the Application Data directory (c:\Documents and Settings\login name\Application Data\Adobe\Acrobat\8.0\Stamps). The actual name of the PDF stamp created will be generated by Acrobat. In this example, the file name is mkWXAu6ok-vDmYeXdpd4EB.pdf. (Note: you can rename this file if you want.) To determine which stamp is the one you just created, sort the stamps by date modified. The newest stamp is yours.
Open Dynamic.pdf in the Acrobat 8\Acrobat\plug_ins\Annotations\Stamps\[language] folder and turn to the page containing the automatically-generated text you want, such as Revised on page 1.
Choose the Text Field tool from Tools > Forms > Text Field tool. Select the text field on the stamp and copy it.
Figure 6. Form field in the default Revised dynamic stamp and its JavaScript
See larger image
Open the PDF file containing your custom stamp and paste the text form field, which includes the JavaScript to display the dynamic information.
Save the PDF file. You now have a dynamic custom stamp.
Figure 7. Final custom stamp