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In this tutorial, learn how to edit PDF files using the new intuitive point-and-click functionality in Acrobat XI. The new PDF editing features make it easy to edit a PDF file when you don't have the original files. Edit text, rearrange paragraphs, crop visuals, and do it all using new streamlined editing tools.
Donna Baker – October 2, 2012
How can I edit or change the text in my PDF file?
Just follow these 6 simple steps to edit text in your
PDF file using Acrobat XI Std. or Pro.
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Edit PDF files, convert PDF to Word, convert PDF to Excel, convert PDF to PowerPoint , Rearrange PDF pages, Convert PDF to JPEG |
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1, 2016-03-10 10, 2016Not certain if the edit text was answered, but I have noticed when I am adding text, or editing, I usually press the escape button and that will take me out of the mode. One other thing to remember is that sometime what you are looking at an image and not actual text. Usually the text is pretty evident; you can edit text by clicking on the edit text and images.
Lori Kassuba
7, 2016-03-02 02, 2016Hi Janina Kowalska,
Try making sure the language is set to Polish under File > Properties > Advanced tab in Reading options.
Janina Kowalska
9, 2016-02-18 18, 2016I am unsuccessfully trying to edit Polish text in a pdf file, using Adobe Acrobat XI Pro. The fonts (Bookman Old Style group) are embedded. I would be most grateful for your advice.
Kind regards,
Lori Kassuba
5, 2016-02-12 12, 2016Hi Jackie,
This may be possible but it depends on how the PDF was created. Look into the tools located in the Edit PDF tool.
2, 2016-01-14 14, 2016Hi there. I have got the Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. I have plan that I want to color in only specific blocks/shops….is this possible with this program? Thank you so much
Lori Kassuba
4, 2015-12-30 30, 2015Hi Lin Kaatz Chary,
To release the Add Text tool found in the Editing panel, you can click on the Select tool or Hand tool.
Lin Kaatz Chary
7, 2015-12-24 24, 2015You never bothered to answer Rhonda’s question which is my question exactly. I understand how to do edit text using the tools in XI but there is absolutely no intuitive way to turn it off. One “help” answer said click on “OK” but I don’t see an “OK” anywhere. This is beyond annoying. If you could answer this question it would be much appreciated. I click on the “Tool” column on the right, then on “Content Editing” then on “Add text” then add my text but then I can never get out of the “add text” mode. I’m sure there is a very simple obvious solution that I am missing but I am definitely missing it. Please help.
Lori Kassuba
4, 2015-10-22 22, 2015Hi Appu,
Adding comments is different that editing the actual PDF file. Here is a tutorial that explains how to add comments in Acrobat and/or Reader:
4, 2015-10-19 19, 2015Hai every one please tell me how to write comments on pdf file (when we press one letter in comment, its automatically genarte full comment)
Lori Kassuba
3, 2015-10-09 09, 2015Hi Rhonda,
You can either close the Editing panel (in the upper right corner) by clicking on the X or switch to another tool. I switch to the Hand tool.
9, 2015-10-07 07, 2015How do I actually stop the Edit Text Tool from being active after the change???
Lori Kassuba
5, 2015-06-29 29, 2015Hi Aurore,
Are you able to use this font in any other program? Word? Could the font be corrupt? Have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling?
9, 2015-06-24 24, 2015Hello everyone, when we try to change or add text barcode font ” C39T30Lfz.ttf ” we can not do anything to add or modify, there automatic return of the default font ” Minion Pro”
The police ” C39T30Lfz ” works on any other software of our PC. I do not understand why ...
this problem on windows 7 and 8
Acrobat XI Pro
thank you
Lori Kassuba
8, 2015-05-15 15, 2015Hi Bracha,
If you temporarily change the font do you still get spaces?
3, 2015-05-13 13, 2015When I try to Edit text in Adobe Acrobat Professional 8, I get blank spaces, with the exception of numbers, which do show up. Any ideas why? I should mention that I had to install a new font-UDLivorno Bold, in order to try to be able to edit the text in this PDF.
Patty Friesen
3, 2015-04-05 05, 2015Hi Ruth,
Can you please post your question in the Acrobat forum so our experts can help you interactively:
Patty Friesen
3, 2015-04-05 05, 2015Hi Luis,
Can you please post your question in the Acrobat forum so our experts can help you interactively:
7, 2015-04-03 03, 2015This doesn’t work for me. I’m trying to edit a pdf I made last year with new dates and info and it won’t let me change anything. I’m very surprised - I use Acrobat X in CS6. Thanks
12, 2015-04-02 02, 2015Why when I edit the text of a document in Adobe Acrobat XI Standard , the edited text is printed in italics , even when the display is normal?
Lori Kassuba
5, 2015-03-19 19, 2015Hi Stevie G,
Sounds like you’ll need to change your font just for the two characters AE. Have you tried this?
Stevie G
1, 2015-03-17 17, 2015I have Adobe Acrobat Pro XI and I am trying to edit text (using ‘Edit Text & Images’) in an existing document so that I can insert a registered tradmark symbol (R). Every time I try to do this, it converts it to ‘AE’ and I cannot figure out how to get the symbol inserted properly. Can you please advise? Thank you.
Lori Kassuba
8, 2015-02-20 20, 2015Hi Dave R.,
What command are you using to create the initial text block?
Dave R.
3, 2015-02-20 20, 2015When I create a text block, then save it, the next time I open the document it breaks the single text block into several smaller ones. Is there a way to prevent this? (12 lines of text, all very short).
Lori Kassuba
6, 2015-02-11 11, 2015Hi Keith,
Unfortunately, there isn’t an easy way to reorganize the pieces once you flatten and attempt to edit the PDF. When you activate the editor it looks for nearby text and creates a bounding box. You might try seeing the moving the placement of the text in the Content Navigation pane changes this behavior.
8, 2015-02-04 04, 2015Attempting to edit flattened PDFs - specifically a text area where Acrobat combined a pre-filled name value, line with text beneath. Any attempt to edit any portion of these three text pieces re-organizes the entire layout. Do we have any controls on joining (or breaking up) text areas?
Lori Kassuba
7, 2015-02-03 03, 2015Hi Bobby,
Yes, you can edit text in Acrobat Standard. However, the editing capability was much more limited in earlier versions (i.e., Acrobat X).
3, 2015-02-02 02, 2015Can you edit PDF documents with Adobe Standard. It seems like you can address pictorial issues, but not too regular editing.
Lori Kassuba
3, 2014-11-20 20, 2014Hi JuanM,
Feel free to post your editing suggestion here:
When I use Ctrl + 0 it fits to the page. What version are you running?
9, 2014-11-19 19, 2014Hello Lori,
Well yes, I’ve tried the Add Text command but I would have to position manually each text in each page, which for the job I’m doing is not an option. Being that the case, is better to use the Header/Footer command, edit the piece of text and reposition manually.
I guess that’s some functionality that is to come (though it was possible in past versions). I really hope Acrobat will recover that simple task, and many others (e.g. shortcut customization, or Ctrl+0 to fit one full page in window instead of zooming-in)...
But anyway, thanks a lot for your interest, Lori.
Lori Kassuba
3, 2014-11-17 17, 2014Hi JuanM,
Have you tried using the Add Text command instead of the Edit Text & Images command? It doesn’t seem to affect the layout and is easier than the Header/Footer command.
7, 2014-11-14 14, 2014Thanks a lot for you answer Lori.
Effectively I’ve been using the Update Header/Footer, but unfortunately there’s no way to apply to the current page without specifying a Page range (from 10 to 10), and I there’s one part of the header I have to change in each page, so having to set a range for each page is quite time consuming. I have even considered scripting the Header/Footer command, but apparently it can only be done with Page Watermark OCG’s, and it would be even more harder to set it differently for each page.
I really wonder why Adobe didn’t include the Selected pages and Current page option in the Header/Footer settings dialog.
Thanks again, Lori, you’ve been very kind.
Lori Kassuba
7, 2014-11-14 14, 2014Hi JuanM,
Thanks for the example. I think this is occurring because the Header/Footer command using Optional Content Groups (OCGs) and not just regular text. As a workaround you could use the Update Header/Footer command to add the new text and just apply it to the current page.
Let us know if this helps,
10, 2014-11-12 12, 2014I guess that the change Adobe did by switching off the “Edit Document Text” for the one-tool-only “Edit Text & Images” messed this functionality… unless I’m doing it the wrong way…
9, 2014-11-12 12, 2014Sure, Lori. I’ve just made an example in screen captured PDF (http://we.tl/tx3eYQbDNs), adding a header text aligned to top of page, and then, trying to edit that text, acrobat pulls it down, forcing the text box inside the art box. In past versions of Acrobat (X pro) this did not happen, you could edit header texts without modifying layout.
Lori Kassuba
8, 2014-11-12 12, 2014Hi JuanM,
Can you forward a link to an example of this behavior?
10, 2014-11-10 10, 2014Hello, I’ve been trying to edit text that has been added with Header command. I first add a prefix text by using headers to a big range of pages, then, page page I add a name to each prefix.
The problem is that the text is almost touching the top of the page, so when I add the text Acrobat moves the text box down and changes the composition. Is there a way to prevent this? back in version X this didn’t happen.
Thanks in advance.
Lori Kassuba
4, 2014-09-12 12, 2014Hi balan,
You’ll need Acrobat (not the free Reader) to do this. Start by activating Edit mode by selecting the Edit Text & Images command in the Content Editing panel. Then, you’ll see bounding boxes around the text paragraphs. Click your cursor in the first line and press the space bar.
Lori Kassuba
4, 2014-09-12 12, 2014David Bulman,
You can use the Add Header & Footer command found under the Tools Pane > Pages panel in Acrobat to remove an existing header or add a blank one that covers up the sequential numbering.
Joan Jones
2, 2014-09-12 12, 2014Thank you, Patty!
Patty Friesen
2, 2014-09-12 12, 2014Hi Joan,
Alternatively, you can view the same content as an infographic by going to: https://acrobatusers.com/tutorials/how-to-edit-text-in-a-pdf-file-infographic
Patty Friesen
2, 2014-09-12 12, 2014Hi Joan,
Directly under the video text is a link to ‘view transcript.’ That will give you a text version of the content presented in the video.
Hope this helps.
Joan Jones
2, 2014-09-12 12, 2014Is there any way I could get a written text instead of this video tutorial? My short-term memory is not very good, and I can’t remember all of these steps without being able to refer to a written text during the process. Thank you.
3, 2014-09-10 10, 2014I need to move a line to the left by a space or two in pdf. what do I do?
David Bulman
4, 2014-07-30 30, 2014I created a ~1000 page .pdf document that has a header with with sequential page numbers. How can I delete the header and all the sequential page numbers on each page?
1, 2014-07-30 30, 2014I use Adobe Reader at work to revise scanned electrical schematics. IT dept.has “upgraded” the Pro versions several times and the learning process starts over each time. Not all changes are for the better. To the old Pro 9 users…Do not try to create a text box with ‘Text Box’ tool, because you can’t edit the text appearance afterwards (like you could on older versions. As the video shows- create a text boxes using the “Add Text” tool. Editing text in this newly created box will be easy then. Thanks for all the tips Donna. They enlightened me,
Lori Kassuba
6, 2014-07-28 28, 2014Hi Gary Cosel,
In Forms Edit mode, open the Fields pane and select all your Text Fields. Next, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + i to bring up the Properties and change the default font. This will change the default font for all the fields that you selected.
Gary Cosel
6, 2014-07-26 26, 2014I converted one of my treatment forms into a pdf document file. Then I made it into a template and created text fields to type into. My problem now - how do I change the font and font size of the text that I want to type into the text field? - it is stuck in default at “12”.
Lori Kassuba
5, 2014-05-27 27, 2014Hi Ellen Campion,
You’ll need Acrobat Std. or Pro. to modify form fields. Here is a tutorial on the subject to help you get started:
Ellen Campion
9, 2014-05-26 26, 2014I need to change the spacing between the fields on Acrobat XI, how do I do that? It is an online form that can be filled out….
jeniffer homes
12, 2014-05-10 10, 2014You’ll need Acrobat Std. or Pro. to edit text in a PDF document. However, you can use the Add Text Comment tool in the Comment pane in the free Reader to add larger text to your PDF file. This tool allows you to place your cursor anywhere in the PDF and add text (provided the PDF has not been secured to disallow this).i have used this tool to edit various pdf tax documents.
7, 2014-04-25 25, 2014... how can I see the Video withOut flash!
Lori Kassuba
2, 2014-04-17 17, 2014Hi Melissa,
For future reference if you use the steps mentioned in this tutorial, you’ll be able to edit a PDF file that originated as a scanned image.
At this point, since the information is an image and not real text you can use the Edit Using dropdown in the Content Editing panel to launch an external program (if you have one installed on your system like Photoshop or MS Paint) to make your changes there.
1, 2014-04-16 16, 2014Hi Lori,
Yes, it did originiated as a scanned image, it was a PDF. It will only allow me to edit certain parts of the document, not the entire thing. Any advice?
Lori Kassuba
3, 2014-04-14 14, 2014Hi Melissa,
Did this particular document originate as a scanned image? Anything else unusual about it?
6, 2014-04-11 11, 2014For some reason, I am not able to edit a document. Upon clicking the edit button on the right hand side, it will only allow me to edit certain parts of the document, not all of it. i have never had this happen before, can you please help?
Thank you
Lori Kassuba
5, 2014-04-01 01, 2014Hi Amy,
I see that Karl responded to your question here:
If you’re still having problems, can you respond to his question so we can help you get your novel published:) Good luck!
5, 2014-03-24 24, 2014The piece of work I consult your page about is a novel; I must send a copy by email to Europe. They requested a .pdf what never happened to me before. And my problem is all chapters (and numbers) were on a NEW page in the original Word .doc and my .pdf shows it all rushing straightaway which is the absolute wrong idea for a novel. I have very little experience with Acrobat but a lot with these people and I fear being refused after 8 months of hard work. I’d be so very grateful if your are able to give me a hint to help me out. I’d be grateful even if you are overworked and can’t. Kindest regards from Amy.
Lori Kassuba
2, 2014-03-20 20, 2014Hi maria,
It sounds as though you have the text form field font properties set to auto. This is will create the variance in font sizing. I would change it to an exact size similar to the text surrounding the form field.
8, 2014-03-17 17, 2014Thanks for your advice. The situation is that I’ve converted a word doc. into a PDF. Some areas in the documents needs to be filled by others. The whole doc. is a PDF except the areas where additional information needs to be included. The thing here is that when running a sample I notice that font size changes while writing. I have a Adobe XI Pro, I’m new with the program and need to solve this issue. Appreciate your comments.
Lori Kassuba
2, 2014-03-10 10, 2014Hi Maria,
Are you saying that you want to allow folks to add information in the highlighted areas? If so, I would place text form fields on the PDF using the tools located under the Tools pane > Forms panel in Acrobat Std. or Pro. version XI.
9, 2014-03-04 04, 2014I have already converted a Word doc into a PDF. There are highlighted spaces that needs to be modified. What do I have to do for only allowing modifications in the highlighted areas? Thanks in advance.
Lori Kassuba
3, 2014-02-27 27, 2014Hi Bruce Andrews,
If your form does not have any existing form fields on it, the best way to fill it out would be to use the Add Text Comment command located under the Comment pane in Reader XI (not earlier version of Reader). Or, you can also use the tools found under the Sign pane to add text, checkmarks, and initials.
Lori Kassuba
3, 2014-02-27 27, 2014Hi K.D.G,
As Toni mentions, all you need to do to reset your panels is to select the Customize dropdown (located in the top right corner) and choose Default tools.
Bruce Andrews
7, 2014-02-26 26, 2014I received a Adobe form and can’t fill it out on my pc. how do I convert so I can fill it out. I can read it and get the mark to the places on the form but when I type in a letter it does not come up.I have very little experience with
12, 2014-02-20 20, 2014Hi KDG,
I was having the same problem this morning. I had the Content Editing window open and clicked on the customize drop down. Then I clicked default tools and everything popped up at the bottom as shown in the video. Hope this works for you.
K.D. G
6, 2014-01-28 28, 2014Has adobe “updated” Acrobat Pro XI?? All my tools have changed. I don’t have that side panel anymore with all of the options. It just suddenly changed or erased with the most recent update. (adobe acrobat automatically updates). I had to go in the “Custom” button, and add all of those buttons back, to the tool bar above at the top of the screen. But I still seem to be missing editing tools. For example the ones that are shown in the video tutorial above—I don’t have those anymore.
Harry Hemus
1, 2014-01-09 09, 2014Hi Lori
I’ve just spotted this thread which seems more focused on the editing text and images tool within XI and not X.
So I just wanted to pursue the original question I posed.
Is it possible to use the new tool for editing multiple layered documents.
Here is the link again to ONE page from a much larger project
Lori Kassuba
7, 2014-01-02 02, 2014Hi Rick H.,
This depends on the program used to create the PDF. Is it Word? And if you’re using the reference capabilities of Word, you should be able to generate automatic hyperlinks in the resulting PDF.
Rick H.
4, 2014-01-01 01, 2014I need help with Adobe Acrobat Pro 11. I have a Thesis I’m writing and trying to figure out if 11 has automatic numbering for Cites listed in my document. A little help please.
Lori Kassuba
8, 2013-12-26 26, 2013Hi Mitchell,
Acrobat XI Pro. also comes with a form design tool called Formscentral that you can use to easily create brand new forms as well.
9, 2013-12-19 19, 2013My problem turned out to be that I was doing all my designing directly in Adobe Acrobat instead of first utilizing a preliminary means of designing my form (I ended up using Microsoft Word).
Once I had the form layout all setup then I converted it to Adobe pdf and added the form fields I desired.
I’m guessing that my initial attempt at designing the form left a bunch of “hidden” containers (visible if I looked at content view). Those “hidden” containers at times may have come to the foreground covering the text beneath it.
Lori Kassuba
8, 2013-12-19 19, 2013Hi Mitchell,
Are you using a Mac? If so, make sure you’re not working with the form in Mac Preview. There is an issue in Preview where form data disappears—so always make sure you’re filling form out with Acrobat or Reader.
7, 2013-12-17 17, 2013I designed a form using Acrobat Pro XI version 11.0.4. I have been doing a lot of modifications to my form and have noticed from time to time characters started to disappear from some of my text annotations. What is causing this?
Patty Friesen
4, 2013-12-02 02, 2013Hi Gordin,
Visit this page and select what you want to edit and then select “Reader XI.” You’ll be directed to a tutorial that will explain what steps you need to take to edit text using Reader:
Hope this helps.
Gordin Edheh
2, 2013-12-02 02, 2013I still do not understand how to edit document with the reader.
7, 2013-11-26 26, 2013the simplicity of using the subscription on multiple computers, both mac and pc is a first for the industry, xi pro is magnificent for a senior citizen with a max of 10yrs left to see the computer screen.
Another benefit is that if an answer is not quickly found in adobe help, google is a very fast next source, and i don’t need billionaire status to use this resources.
3, 2013-09-30 30, 2013Thank you for your help!
Lori Kassuba
7, 2013-09-27 27, 2013Hi Phyllis,
Why don’t you try embedding the font in your document first - I think you’re seeing a subset issue. I don’t have anything about how to do this in version 9 but I believe you might double-check if you have access to the feature mentioned in this tutorial:
donna baker
3, 2013-09-25 25, 2013Hi Craig -
In Acrobat X you don’t have the same editing capabilities as you have in Acrobat XI, which is the software used in the video. In order to access the editing panel, you’d need to upgrade your software.
1, 2013-09-25 25, 2013I want to translate a pdf file from English into Korean. I use Acrobat 9. When I tried to type in Korean using text editing tool, it says,
“Some of the characters in the current font are not available, the missing characters will be replaced by place holder characters (maybe dots ‘.’).
A work around to this is to select another font which contains the characters in the TouchUp Properties dialog.”
Is there any way to change English text in PDF into Korean?
8, 2013-09-08 08, 2013Hi Donna. I am using Acrobat X Pro. How do I access the font drop down menu, so I can change fonts, sizes, colors, justification, etc. for an inserted text box? I am presented with an Edit Document Text tool, but I can determine how to get to the font information.
donna baker
11, 2013-09-03 03, 2013Hi Yvette -
It isn’t necessary to upgrade your program in order to make edits. However, you are restricted in the type and extent of editing possible based on your program version. For example, in Acrobat 9 you don’t have access to the editing tools and features that are shown in the video. You can make changes using the TouchUp Text editing tool.
Yvette Dingwall
4, 2013-08-26 26, 2013I created a document in Acrobat Pro 9 and now need to make changes. Is this possible to do without upgrading the software as I do not want to lose the formatting currently in the document….Thanks.
donna baker
4, 2013-08-16 16, 2013Hi Cecelia -
Unless you are using an online service such as CreatePDF, you can’t produce a PDF document in Adobe Reader.
donna baker
4, 2013-08-16 16, 2013Hi Edward -
You’ll be able to see if there is security attached by choosing File > Properties and checking the settings on the Security tab. If the document’s author has added a password, you’ll have to ask to have it removed.
Are you sure the document is editable text and not a scanned page? You mentioned you can’t edit the content, which may be due to it being an image of the page, and not actual text.
How do I enable document rights in a PDF? I cannot edit the text in the PDF using Acrobat Pro XI.
Patty Friesen
2, 2013-08-16 16, 2013Hi Alfred,
You should be able to change the credit card details to the different bank through your creative cloud membership account page. See http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/membership-subscription-troubleshooting-creative-cloud.html
If you are still having trouble, you can contact support from http://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?product=creative-cloud&topic=managing-a-creative-cloud-membership
Hope this helps.
4, 2013-08-14 14, 2013Hola,
He bajado el archivo de ADOBE READER, versión gratuita, pero hasta ahora no puedo convertir los archivos de word a PDF.
Quisiera su ayuda por favor.
I downloaded the file of Adobe Reader, free version, but so far I can not convert word to PDF files.
I would like your help please.
Thank you,
8, 2013-08-08 08, 2013How do I enable document rights in a PDF? I cannot edit the text in the PDF using Acrobat Pro XI.
donna baker
2, 2013-08-06 06, 2013Hi Gretchen -
Use the Edit Text & Images tool. When you select it, the frames on the page show around paragraphs and images, etc. With the tool, select the frame containing the text you want to change, and made the settings changes in the Tools panel.
3, 2013-08-03 03, 2013Actually I’m working with two software Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop from Adobe Creative Cloud and I pay each month for both trough HSBC bank but since August 15 must pay trough National Bank of Mexico (BANAMEX) and my question is what can I do with you to continue paying through this bank?
Many thanks
6, 2013-07-30 30, 2013I want to change the font size in the text box but cannot figure out how to do it.
donna baker
5, 2013-06-26 26, 2013Hi Johanna -
You’re not going to get the same level of control with Reader that you would with Acrobat. From your description, it sounds like the Word spacing was set in the program, and not by using a specific font. For that reason, when you copy and paste, the features don’t convert and you’ll have the basic fonts again, probably using default substitute fonts in Reader.
3, 2013-06-25 25, 2013Hello!
I have Adobe Reader XI and I’m trying to copy and paste a letter from Word to PDF. I scanned the letterhead and I’m adding the content; however, when I’m about to print, it automatically changes the spacing - it collapse. It seems that it converts it to a box.
Is there a way to change this?
Thank you!
donna baker
5, 2013-06-18 18, 2013Hi Livleen -
You can select each paragraph in the document with the Edit Text and Images tool, then change the font. That will work, but takes a fair bit of time. If possible, it’s simplest to get the source document, change the font there, and then recreate the PDF file.
livleen singh
2, 2013-06-16 16, 2013How to edit pdf document with a different font - Anandpur sahib and then save it.
donna baker
4, 2013-06-04 04, 2013Hi Gia -
You remove the password from the Properties dialog box. Choose File > Properties to open the dialog box, and click the Security tab. You’ll see fields to remove your password. Save it after you finish removing the password. You definitely don’t have to start over again.
donna baker
4, 2013-06-04 04, 2013Hi Alan -
Is the date displayed in a field? If so, open the field properties, and click the Format tab. Change the format to text and you should be fine.
It almost sounds like there’s an issue with your program overall, though. If you’re on Windows, choose Help > Repair Acrobat Installation and let the program go through its installed components and fix anything that’s required.
12, 2013-06-04 04, 2013How do I edit pdf which I created and password protected..? I need to edit it and I cannot find anywhere a place to write my password and open the document for editing. Or do I really need to re-create this document from the beginning to be able to edit it ?
Alan Wickstrom
3, 2013-05-31 31, 2013I have a document that needs to be updated every year, so I went into last year’s pdf using acrobat XI and made all the changes. One of the changes is changing the year from 2012-13 to 2013-14. So, I did that and after I saved it, I opened the document back up and it says 2015-16. I changed it again and the same thing happened. So, then I just deleted it and typed in the entire year and century instead of just changing the year. I saved it and now it reads 4235/36. Why is this happening and what do I need to do to change it. Obviously, it has something to do with them being numerals.
Patty Friesen
2, 2013-05-31 31, 2013Hi Sabrina,
Here is a pretty comprehensive tutorial on editing text using Acrobat 9. Hope this helps!
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