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acrobat 3d and dropped pro-e files

alanfi's picture
Registered: Jun 30 2008
Posts: 6

Has anyone an answer as to why when creating a 3d pdf from wf3, the resulting pdf has missing parts (pdf created from a backup) and why on other occasions there is a run time error during processing of data. Thanks

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 8.0, Windows
dhallida's picture
Registered: Jul 26 2007
Posts: 31
There can be several reasons files do not convert. How frequently are you getting error messages and what do they say? Is there a pattern to the failures and partial conversions? Sometimes files that have been shared using various compression technologies are not extracted properly. They could be corrupted for other reasons too. Is it fair to assume that they load okay Pro-E? I wish I could help more, but without seeing what is happening directly or having samples, it is very difficult to comment further.

I am an Adobe Business Development Manager specializing in Manufacturing. I am a vetran of many years in manufacturing and PLM, and focus much of my efforts in 3D PDF and how it can be used to solve numerous customer business problems and challenges.

alanfi's picture
Registered: Jun 30 2008
Posts: 6
Thank you for your reply. To create the conversion I am taking a full pro-e model.
I back up to local disc and then use acrobat to create the 3d model. The assembly being converted is of an electronic equipment rack, created using Proe2001 but opened in wildfire 3. When conversion has completed the result shows all parts, including wires but the entire rack frame assy is missing. The rack frame can be converted on its own but not when combined with the overall rack assembly. This error is consistent, occuring on different PC's and different installs (purchased and demo). This problem has also been experienced at other totally unrelated divisions of the company, resulting in purchase rejection. Some model conversions seem fine, but it is the uncertainty.
alanfi's picture
Registered: Jun 30 2008
Posts: 6
Possible answer. (reason)
The problem has been narrowed down to Instance parts of Generics.
Generic feature instances are fine, but generics with part instances are the items that are missing. Our local solution is to export problem generic assembly as iges , re-import and save as a part, reassemble to default (where-ever) of problem model, backup and discard session.
Next stop WF4
alanfi's picture
Registered: Jun 30 2008
Posts: 6
Final solution - Adobe acrobat 9 pro extended
Save assy as a neutral file.
PDF creater wont create from a neutral file and displays a failure message - Fix. Create a pdf of a single proe part and leave window open. Now create another PDF of the neutral file and it will be allowed as a second window.
Other observations - poorly constructed parts (features over features etc) cause failures when large models are being converted, typically runtime c++ and suggestion of a damaged file provided by email.
Saving to an empty directory is also recommended.