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Acrobat 3D - Toolkit Object Colour problem

Alasdair_Fulton's picture
Registered: Jul 11 2007
Posts: 2

I am having a problem with the transition between Toolkit and Acrobat 3D.
On a project I am working on I need to be able to create a 3D model of a component.
The component will be made up of various separate objects and I need to be able to alter the colour of each object. Also, each object will have attachments, such as images and documents, linked to it.
This is where my problems start.
The only way I can see to change the object’s colour is by opening the toolkit; however, when I save the file and return to Acrobat 3D, the links I have created to attach each document to the correct object are lost.
I can see two ways that this can be solved, but do not know if they are possible:
1. Change the colour directly in Acrobat 3D without using toolkit
2. Export from toolkit without destroying the link attachments.
Alasdair Fulton

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 8.0999999999999996447286321199499070644378662109375, Windows
jim_merry's picture
Registered: Jul 18 2007
Posts: 58
The following workflow should produce better results:

1) Create your PDF and store the geometry as U3D inside of PDF.
2) Activate the 3D object and right click and select 'Edit in Toolkit'. This will launch the 3D toolkit and push your U3D object over to it
3) Make the color edits in Toolkit and then choose 'Save' from the toolkit File menu
4) You should now be able to go back to Acrobat 3D and activate the 3D object and see the color changes you made and any links, etc you added in Acrobat should still work.

You can make multiple of these round-trip edits by keeping Acrobat 3D and the toolk it open.

Jim Merry, VP 3D PDF, Tetra 4D, jim [dot] merry [at] tetra4d [dot] com

jim_merry's picture
Registered: Jul 18 2007
Posts: 58
I just posted an entry on my blog that includes a Flash Video showing how to implement this workflow. You can find it [url=]here[/url].

Jim Merry, VP 3D PDF, Tetra 4D, jim [dot] merry [at] tetra4d [dot] com