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Adding texture from document level javascript

antros's picture
Registered: Jul 22 2010
Posts: 6


I've managed to add a texture to a model from 3D default script. Now I would like to do the same from the document level script when the pdf document is opened.

Here's the snippet I've tried:

var open;

function start()
if (open != "open")
c3d = this.getAnnots3D(0)[0].context3D;
var modelResource = new Resource( "pdf://sphere.u3d" );
var model = c3d.scene.addModel( modelResource );
model = c3d.scene.meshes.getByName("Sphere");
imageResource = new Resource( "pdf://grid.jpg" );
image = new Image( imageResource );
model.material.diffuseTexture.setImage( image );
bump = new Image( new Resource( "pdf://knurl.jpg" ) );
model.material.bumpTexture.setImage( bump );
open = "open";

However, all I receive are "Resource is not defined" error messages. All the files are defined in the resources of 3D box. What am I doing wrong? All the help is highly appreciated.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3.1, Windows
UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Change it to c3d.Resource, c3D.Image, etc. - the objects only works in the context of the 3D scene, as that's where the textures are attached.
antros's picture
Registered: Jul 22 2010
Posts: 6
UVSAR wrote:
Change it to c3d.Resource, c3D.Image, etc. - the objects only works in the context of the 3D scene, as that's where the textures are attached.
Thanks for the reply! I did what you suggested and got rid of "Resource is not define" problems. However, images seem to still cause troubles as int the debugger it says:

Line: 0: Code: 20(0x14): Bad argument list

GeneralError: Operation failed.
Constructor function needs to be called with new

If I remove c3d from the image definitions I receive "Image is not defined" messages. Here's the updated code:

function start()
if (open != "open")
var annot = this.getAnnots3D(0)[1];
annot.activated = true;
c3d = annot.context3D;
model = c3d.scene.meshes.getByName("Sphere");
imageResource = new c3d.Resource( "pdf://grid.jpg" );
image = new c3d.Image( imageResource );
model.material.diffuseTexture.setImage( image );
imageResource2 = new c3d.Resource( "pdf://knurl.jpg");
bump = new c3d.Image( imageResource2);
model.material.bumpTexture.setImage( bump );
open = "open";

Did I misunderstand something? Thanks for your support.