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Creation of 3D PDF from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0

asmith's picture
Registered: Jun 10 2009
Posts: 2

I would like to automate the generation of 3D PDF files from within Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 with measurement enabed. The Pro/ENGINEER 'Save a Copy' to 3D PDF creates 3D PDF files, but without measurement enabled. If I install Acrobat Pro Extended will I be able to create measurement enabled 3D PDF files from within Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.1.1, Windows
TheFrog's picture
Registered: Oct 15 2009
Posts: 13

Assuming that you need to read your PDF using Acrobat Reader and the hability to make some measurement :

The answer is Yes. Reading your PDF within Acrobat Pro Extended (APEX) you will be able to save it in order to allow the Acrobat Reader to let you do measurements (What we called 'reader extension')

How to do it :

1 - Open your PDF within APEX
2 - Go to 'Advanced'
3 - then select 'Extend features in Adobe Reader'
3 - After you can check using Adobe reader that the measurements is enabled

Hope that answer your query

PS - Regarding WildFire 5.0 : In a futur version of APEX you will be able to read directly the files without using WildFire itself
bonifas's picture
Registered: Dec 11 2009
Posts: 1
Is there a estimated release date of the version or APEX that will read directly the Wildfire 5.0 files?