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Embed in website

bludin's picture
Registered: Jun 25 2007
Posts: 29

Interested newbie question: Is it possible with Acrobat3D to embed 3D models in a website? If so, what are the browser and OS requirements?
Also, is it possible to automtaiclly display only the default (pre)view and load the model only once the user clicks on it?



acrobat3d's picture
Registered: Jun 30 2006
Posts: 5
Try this (I am linking to a file in the gallery, but you should use your own file). I am not sure how robust this is, but quick tests show it working

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>3D PDF in an HTML page</title></head><body><p><embed src="" width="485" height="325"></p><p>Use the mouse to control the 3D scene</p><ul></body></html>

Web marketing and community development

bludin's picture
Registered: Jun 25 2007
Posts: 29
Thanks for your help.

mlyall's picture
Registered: Jul 23 2007
Posts: 7
Using the embed tags, I embedded a 3D pdf in a web page. I cropped the annotation, and chose display full screen. This worked great, and the image (annotation with 3d model), displayed perfectly, croppped to edges chosen. I then created a more complex pdf, where I had buttons with javascript controlling an animation. I cropped it, (on the page, outside the annotation), and saved it again to display at full screen. With this file, I get a grey box around the page, (not arround the annotation), which looks like the acrobat application background. All menus are hidden. If I resize the embed tag, the whole just resizes. I need to get rid of the grey border, so it crops and displays like the other file. Is it an issue with cropping on the document page, instead of the annotation? I am using vista.
and acrobat 3d, trial, 8.1.
Please help...
mlyall's picture
Registered: Jul 23 2007
Posts: 7
I found a solution, albeit a work-around, if you want to embed a pdf with animation, (3d annotation), with control, and buttons, in a web page, and do not want to have the dreaded grey boundry showing.
I used the clip property in CSS to crop the pdf. the clip property only works if the position is absolute.
side note: if it is possible to call the javascript functions from outside the pdf document, then this is unnecessary. I am looking into this, (I am new to acrobat3D). It seems it might be. Anyone done this?

div.pic{position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 300px; clip: rect(40px 580px 500px 20px); }

maury4's picture
Registered: Aug 29 2007
Posts: 1
I embedded a 3D pdf in my web page, as described above, but I can't find out how to interact with it.

I'd like to show the name of the selected part in a label of the page via javascript (for example).

Anyone have some samples, or where I can find them?