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How can we extract markup information

nbaditela's picture
Registered: Oct 25 2007
Posts: 22

Dear Expert,
a): How can we retrieve the markup information that is there on a 3d model.
b)How can we associate markup to a part or group of parts.
We have a situation where in we load our 3D model in Acrobat 3D and users may use polygonal or any other markup tool to markup a 3D region. Is there anyway can we retrieve this markup information(coordinates that form the up) and store it in database.

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 8.0999999999999996447286321199499070644378662109375, Windows
jim_merry's picture
Registered: Jul 18 2007
Posts: 58
You can export comments and markups that you apply to PDF documents including 3D Annotations (which are the markup entites in which 3D models reside) using the 'Comments > Export to Data File' command from menubar. This will enable you to save all comments as an .fdf or .xfdf file. They are both xml files and the schemas can be found at [url=][/url] You can use the Acrobat SDK to access the markup entities programmatically and to extract them and save them where every you wish. You can find the documentation here: [url=][/url]With Acrobat 3D version 7 and version 8, the comments and markup entities cannot be associated with 3D geometry, either a part or assembly.

Jim Merry, VP 3D PDF, Tetra 4D, jim [dot] merry [at] tetra4d [dot] com

nbaditela's picture
Registered: Oct 25 2007
Posts: 22

Thanks for your response. But How can I find out the parts that are lying with in the markup region. To be specific, say I have a 3d model embedded in a page and then I draw a rectangle markup at some place on the 3d model. Now I wanted to know what are the parts that are lying with in the rectangle markup region. Is it possible to accomplish this with javascript, appreciate if you can send me sample javascript code to achieve this.

Thanks and Regards,
Narasimha Prasad Baditela.