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How to create a Link by 3d object and not by rectangle

wheeler266's picture
Registered: Apr 27 2007
Posts: 2


I am new today to Acrobat 3d and am trying to piece together an interactive Assembly from a SolidWorks assembly file with the 3D product. In a perfect world i would like to have the ability to create links by object and not a 2D rectangle. Is it possible to do this with the link tool or anything else in the current tool box or even a Script?

Any assitance would be greatly appreciated.

jim_merry's picture
Registered: Jul 18 2007
Posts: 58
You can implement what you are describing using the 3D Javascript APIs available in both Acrobat 3D version 7 and 8. It will involve creating a custom 'mouse event handler' and attaching it to the 3D runtime associated with the 3D Annot (which is the window inside the PDF document that contains your 3D Solidworks assembly). You will then be able to tell what node in the scene-graph is being selected by the user. There are also mechanisms avaible to bridge between the 3D Runtime in the 3DAnnot and the 2D document. This will enable you to update areas of the PDF document that are outside of the 3D Annot window. There are some sample files on the site that show some of this behavior.

Take a look at the following:

It implements an event handler that changes the rendering style of the part of an assembly as the mouse rolls over it. Then when a 3D part is selected, that selection event is available to links in the 2D portion of the PDF document.

Jim Merry, VP 3D PDF, Tetra 4D, jim [dot] merry [at] tetra4d [dot] com