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Is possible to read Acrobat 3D data in ipad?

clickme's picture
Registered: May 18 2011
Posts: 2

Does anyone here know if I can put 3D pdf that generated by Acrobat 3D into ipad and andriod system. Can ipad read 3D pdf, then we can interact the 3D object?

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 8.2.6, Windows
UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
No you can't. It's something that is being considered for the future, but right now we don't have access to the graphics engines (DirectX, OpenGL, etc.) on mobile operating systems that are necessary to render 3D PDF annotations. I'm sure it'll happen eventually, but not anytime soon.

The 3D Flash API (Molehill) offers a chance to do 3D on some devices (not via Acrobat), but of course not on iOS.
mvid's picture
Registered: Jul 29 2008
Posts: 16
> right now we don't have access to the graphics engines on mobile operating systems that are necessary to render 3D PDF annotationsSome Benjamin Sergeant, while working at Adobe:

Created a 3D-PDF iPhone application that was demoed at the BU all hands and that went to the final round of qualification for the MAX conference. The application was network aware and could do 3D file streaming, caching of the geometric datas, remote conference, and trigger 3D capture on a desktop and download the capture.

But later he had an appointment with firing squ^H^H^H panel.
So, may be, the main technical difficulty is that Adobe just cut the techies.

(Repost from
ekschperte's picture
Registered: Jun 12 2010
Posts: 29
Another nice way to render 3D models on Apple iPad are the new WebGL technologies. All new web browsers, except IE, do support GPU based 3D rendering. For example, you could use Safari on iPad 2 to manage that. Have a look here:
clickme's picture
Registered: May 18 2011
Posts: 2
Hi, thanks guys,
yes, webGL is a good way, but I don't know it supports for ipad 2(ipad 1 doesn't work at all), until I saw the WebGL Aquarium demo.
UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
WebGL is part of the HTML5 Canvas element, and since PDF files aren't HTML (nor can a page contain embedded HTML objects) it's of no relevance to the original question. It also has serious security problems.