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Pro/Engineer Wildfire 4

stavman's picture
Registered: Apr 7 2008
Posts: 2

Has anyone tried to import a WF4 part model into Adobe 3D? I was not able to do it. The website says it is only compatiable with Wildfire 3. When will Wildfire 4 be supported with Adobe 3D?


jim_merry's picture
Registered: Jul 18 2007
Posts: 58
Acrobat 3D Version 8 only supports Wildfire 3.0. There was an update to the CAD importers for A3D v8 recently. You can find information about it [url=]here[/url], including a pointer to where to find a current list of formats and versions.

As for the timing of Wildfire 4.0 support, Adobe does not comment publicly about the timing or content of future releases.

Jim Merry, VP 3D PDF, Tetra 4D, jim [dot] merry [at] tetra4d [dot] com

heathbn's picture
Registered: Apr 16 2008
Posts: 3
the reason you cant find support for is that. You have to save as with 4 or use a print screen to capture the opengl models.

Goto save a copy, then to PDF U3D inside Wildfire 4.

YOU don't need ACROBAT to do this.
ScottEdsell's picture
Registered: Mar 25 2008
Posts: 6
You can create 3D pdfs with Wildfire 4, however the spin center is off, so when you spin the part in Acrobat reader the model goes off of the screen. This is a known problem with WF4.