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Right Henisphere tabs

andanza73's picture
Registered: Mar 24 2009
Posts: 6

Where are the right hemisphere plugins in the new acrobat pro 9 extended ? can't find them. Do I have to load a plugin?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
dhallida's picture
Registered: Jul 26 2007
Posts: 31

I am not certain what you were expecting, but there are no plug-ins to Right Hemisphere products. Acrobat Pro Extended does not directly read the .rh format, but OpenGL capture is an option. I assume you plan to generate PDFs from either DeepServer or DeepExploration. You can save .rh files as PDFs from within these products, but there are some limitations to what you can do with the PDFs. If you wish, we could discuss this in a little more detail.

I am an Adobe Business Development Manager specializing in Manufacturing. I am a vetran of many years in manufacturing and PLM, and focus much of my efforts in 3D PDF and how it can be used to solve numerous customer business problems and challenges.

UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
RH's DS and DE will export into U3D, which is the native format for Acrobat Pro Extended [APEX] - so the U3D file can be read in without needing any extra conversion, and is therefore extremely reliable.

If you're referring to the [b]3D Toolkit[/b] (which was indeed an old version of Deep Exploration), then it's gone. Adobe built their own app (3D Reviewer) so to get a Toolkit-like app back you have to go and buy the standalone version of Deep Exploration. You can't drag Toolkit out of the Acro 8.3D installation and dump it into APEX without some serious hacking and hammering, and it's not worth it given DE has moved on [i]many[/i] generations since the version Adobe was bundling, so you need the standalone product to be able to read any of the latest file formats.
andanza73's picture
Registered: Mar 24 2009
Posts: 6
UVSAR - As you stated I was looking for the RH files that used to come within the Toolkit. And if I understand your response there is no longer this option when trying to build a new template in Live Cycle 8.2. We are using the Right Hemisphere deep Explorer Cad edition 5.7. Do you have any suggestions as to how I would be able to easily import the Step features, bom, PMI data, Metadata....ect into a new Template? Any help would be apprieciated.
jim_merry's picture
Registered: Jul 18 2007
Posts: 58
The RH plug-ins were for the 3D Toolkit that shipped with Acrobat 3D v7 and v8. With v9, we now ship 3D Reviewer which is a completely different application and architecture. RH may still provide a PDF publishing mechanism for DE and DS, please check with them.

One point of clarification: U3D is not the native format for Acrobat Pro Extended, but rather PRC and U3D are both supported for storage of 3D geometry. Adobe's implementation of U3D is limited to ECMA 1 and 3 which does not include B-REP geometry and thus limits you to tessellated information only. U3D also does not support PMI/GD&T natively. PRC supports both BREP and tessellated geometry as well as PMI/GD&T natively. So depending on what you want to do, you would store the geometry in the appropriate format inside of PDF.

Jim Merry, VP 3D PDF, Tetra 4D, jim [dot] merry [at] tetra4d [dot] com

DBriggs's picture
Registered: Dec 16 2008
Posts: 10
If I understood the question, andanza73 is looking for the RH template widgets to control animation, BOM display, etc. Those widgets are available under the PDF Template Designer pull down on the Advanced Editing toolbar.
andanza73's picture
Registered: Mar 24 2009
Posts: 6
I have loaded the adobe pro extended 9 after I loaded the Right Hemisphere. I then removed and reinstalled the Right Hemisphere and everything loaded properly in the Adobe. Thanks for all of the replies.
