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script used in gallery doesn't correlate to API

relswick's picture
Registered: Jan 4 2009
Posts: 4

Does anyone know how this exmaple in the Adobe 3D Gallery is using the included javascript:

I am mainly looking to change the diffuse color, but the API for version 8.1 states the diffuse color is read only.

In the script, there is a method called ChangeColor and it does the following:

   context3D.setMaterialColor(context3D.PaintMaterialArray, ColorArray);
yet, the context doesn't recognize this as a method in another PDF I am working with. What gives?

var PaintMaterialArray = new Array("paint", "paint1");
is defined in an Initialization document level function.

mvid's picture
Registered: Jul 29 2008
Posts: 16
But setMaterialColor is defined there as

function setMaterialColor(materialArray,colorArray)
for (index in materialArray)
scene.materials.getByName(materialArray[index]).diffuseColor.set(new Color(colorArray[0]/255,colorArray[1]/255,colorArray[2]/255));

Thank you for finding the hidden functionality of colors being writable.
(What else Adobe keeps for its private use?).
Manuel Lastra
Manuel Lastra's picture
Registered: Mar 29 2009
Posts: 6
Have a look to this