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Select nodes in 3D programatically

itsraghuin's picture
Registered: Sep 8 2009
Posts: 18

Is there a way to select nodes in 3D programatically? I tried to use scene.selectedNode but I don't see anything in 3D area selected.

UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Yes, and that method does work - but you have to pass it a mesh object collected from the scene list.

Example: scene contains a node called "box1"... attach this script to the 3D annotation:

[b]var boxmesh = scene.meshes.getByName("box1");
scene.selectedNode = boxmesh;[/b]

Note that disabling the default selection tool behavior doesn't stop you using the above method to select a node, and it still gets a highlight and bounding box.
itsraghuin's picture
Registered: Sep 8 2009
Posts: 18
Thanks UVSAR! It helped. I was using it with node object. Another question though would be how do I unselect it? I mean when I select a node and then click on 3D area, the selection is lost. How do I do this using JavaScript?
UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
To clear the selection via JS, set it back to being undefined (which in JS is a real object)


To prevent the mouse clicks from selecting things in the scene, override the default tool events:

[b]runtime.overrideSelection = true;[/b]