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What Happened to Acrobat 3D toolkit??

macbloom's picture
Registered: Aug 7 2007
Posts: 16

Where did all the resources, tutorials, and examples go? Has A3D toolkit been replaced by some other viewer or toolkit? Where's the details?

What's going on? Any blogs on this matter?

- Mike

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 8.1.2, Windows
dhallida's picture
Registered: Jul 26 2007
Posts: 31
Hi Mike,

Yes the 3D Tool Kit has been replaced by a different tool: 3D Reviewer. 3D Reviewer brings several new features such as comparison, physical properties, precise measurement, BOM export, Baloons and many other functions. The website is undergong some change and we hope to have the information you are looking for available very soon. If you are really stuck, contact me and I will try to help: dhallida [at] adobe [dot] com . I am trying to get you a specific date and URL for the updated content.

I am an Adobe Business Development Manager specializing in Manufacturing. I am a vetran of many years in manufacturing and PLM, and focus much of my efforts in 3D PDF and how it can be used to solve numerous customer business problems and challenges.

anosworthy's picture
Registered: Nov 21 2006
Posts: 1
Hello! Unfortuantely Adobe didnt see fit to migrate all of 3D Toolkit to Acroba, e.g. texturing has be thinned out. It seems that Toolkit was lincensed to Adobe from Right Hemisphere, and Adobe didnt want to keep paying the fees.

On the other hand it´s pretty irresponsible of Adobe to leave Acrobat 3d users hanging. Many Companies now rely on Toolkit. These people a haven ot been given a real alternative, except for to change over to Right Hemispheres products