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Accessibility Documentation

Registered: Nov 28 2007
Posts: 8

Is there any user friendly documentation on creating accessible PDF files?

Some of the stuff out there is either too technical or just does not go into enough detail. I would like to get a better understand of the tags and how to apply them to complex layouts.

I almost wish there was a "Creating Web Accessible File for Dummies" type of book.

When I use the accessibility tools in Acrobat Professional (v8)/Mac or even using InDesign CS3/Mac to add tags and generate PDFs, it does not generate the desired order/results.


Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
re: documentation
Have you visited
Of particular interest to you - the InDesign courseware (scroll to page bottom).

n.b., see also - Chapter 10 of the Acrobat 8 pro help file. Get the PDF from

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