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Registered: Apr 12 2007
Posts: 30

I'm wondering if I import XML tags into InDesign (say for DAISY or NIMAS specifications) and use them to tag my document, when I export a pdf if these tags are automatically picked up as accessibility tags. Are PDF tags XML?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.9, Macintosh
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Hi Paeon,

Tags added in InDesign are carried through into Acrobat. At this point, it is a manual operation, but it can be done.

You can assign DAISY/NIMAS names to tags created in InDesign. (You could derive the tags from styles you create in InDesign CS3 (map styles to tags or manually tag the content). If all you are after are the tags for DAISY rendering, you could export to XML from InDesign at this point.

If you decide to export the PDF (File > Export > Adobe PDF) verify the checkbox "create tagged PDF" is checked. When you open the resulting PDF file in Acrobat Professional and Reveal the Tags Palette, you'll see them.From Acrobat 8 Professional Select File > Save as XML, You can open that file in Word pad and scroll to the bottom to get to the mark up.Note, however, this will not be optimized DAISY markup. This is only a starting point. Authors will have to spend some time editing, cleaning up, and refining the tags along the way, but it can quickly produce the raw material you seek.

Hope this helps,

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for