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"Add Tags to Document", but some content disappears

Registered: Jun 7 2007
Posts: 2

On some PDFs where I select "Add Tags to Document", some content disappears from the PDF is usually a character/font, but the issues vary...sometimes the entire character(s) is missing...sometimes the fill color of the character turns to "off" and you can't see the content anymore...any ideas why this is has happened to embedded and non-embedded fonts...this has happened both on Mac and PC platforms...i'm currently using Acrobat 7 Professional...

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.9, Macintosh
Registered: May 30 2006
Posts: 96
This problem is called a "z-order error" and it tends to occur on documents with complex layouts. Essentially, the auto-tagging process causes (incorrectly) a character or image to move "behind" a co-located image or vector graphic, thus causing it to disappear.

This can be corrected in the Content panel by reordering the content. HOWEVER - be warned, there is no "undo" in the Content panel, any changes there cannot be reversed, so be sure to make a copy of your file before you go moving stuff around in there.

Duff Johnson
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