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Can't replace colors in some PDF's

Registered: Oct 16 2007
Posts: 4

I have standard PDF documents, when try to use the "Replace Colors" option it works just fine as expected. But SOME PDF's when trying to do this just show the headers, page numbers, and the area where the text should appear just a blank box (size of the page), btw i use black background on white font color. Why is this happening?

My Product Information:
Reader 7.0.0, Windows
Registered: Jul 26 2007
Posts: 49
Check the properties of these "SOME PDF's". What's the pdf producer/application?
Are these pdf's tagged?

EMEA Acrobat Technical Support

Registered: Aug 29 2007
Posts: 7
One possibility for this happening could be the designer of the original document has created the background effect by placing text over a shaded rectangle. Acrobat / Reader sees these as an image and does not change them considering them to be page items and not the page background.

An experiment you could conduct, change your white text to another color, I suspect by changing your text to white it appears to disappear into the white background which the document designer essentially hardcoded in.


Greg Pisocky
Adobe Accessibility

Registered: Oct 16 2007
Posts: 4
Thanks Simon and Greg.

Checking the PDF properties, it says PDF Producer: Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0 for Win NT PDF Version: 1.2.

Greg, i tried changing fonts from white to brown (keeping black background) and yes, text appeared, but still got a white frame around each paragraph.

I've been reading about this, and found something, when i go to View > Navigation Tabs> Content; every page in the PDF has a "Path" line under each line of text (even the images), when i erase manually this "Path", the white frame disappears, and i can see black background with white fonts normally, but doing this manually for over 300 pages is like...err...Thanks in advance