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Job requirement want final form in PDF 5.0 compatible file.

Registered: Jan 11 2007
Posts: 7

I have thoroughly explored the options of creating a form and saving it as an Acrobat 5.0 file but I am not finding a solution. It does not appear to be possible to save as Acrobat 5.0 and retain the fields. Does anyone know of a way to do this? I also need to retain tags and tool tips for the form.

If it is not possible to go directly to Acrobat 5.0 is there a way to copy form fields from a LiveCycle generated PDF and paste them in another PDF, perhaps a distilled version?



My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
If you need backward compatibility for your PDF form then you'll need to stick with Acrobat Forms instead of using LiveCycle Designer. Designer forms require at least Acrobat/Reader 6.02, and in some cases 7.05, to operate correctly. Carl Young has additional information on this in his blog at [url=]Adobe Designer or Acrobat Forms?[/url]

Under the FAQ in the [b]Forms: Acrobat[/b] forum there is a tip for editing a form created in Designer in Acrobat Pro. but it extremely limited. For more information check out [url=]Can I edit a form created in Adobe Designer in Acrobat Pro.?[/url]

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for