I'm trying to create a URL to a specific bookmark within a PDF document on our website. I'm not sure where to start.
The PDF has bookmarks and I thought I might be able to link straight to one of the bookmarks.
I've searched online to find information and I've read about optimising PDF and links. I've also found information about Destinations but I'm not sure what I'm suppose to be doing.
Linking to a page doesn't work, e.g.
I want to be able to link to a page and / or a bookmark.
You will want to read about parameters for opening PDF files.
Two documents are available.
Same topic, different dates. Some non-critical text removed with the newer PDF's release.
July 27, 2005 - Adobe Acrobat 7.0.5
April 2007 - Adobe Acrobat SDK Version 8.1
n.b., URI/URL not the same as UNC. Be sure you have looked over what W3C says about URI/URL.
URI/URL not the MS Office "hyperlink". Note that Excel appears to alter the "#" character to a dash which truncates the URL syntax discussed in the open parameters document.
Follow the path of W3C URLs when you use the PDF open parameters and you'll be saying "Neat!" more than once. What the document describes works well with properly formed URLs.
(fwiw - avoid using space character in the URL path).
For authoring your html file(s); consider using a good HTML editor rather than a word processor that can "save to HTML". There is a difference.
Be well...
Be well...