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Microsoft Word Headers/Footers and Accessibility

Registered: Jun 19 2008
Posts: 4

We have a logo that appears at the top of the page, but it is included in the header, not directly on the page. I had to tag this as background, or else it threw off every page with tons of errors. Once I tagged it this way, the document was ok with no errors. Such a small thing created so many errors on other pages, but once fixed, all pages were fixed. So my question is, is there a way to tag header or footer information? I did try various tags, but nothing worked.

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
More of my natters here, but -
You have not described the settings you've used in the Conversion Settings
(on the Menu Bar - Adobe PDF > Conversion Settings) so this may/may not be applicable.
However, I suspect that it may have some bearing on your logo, in the MS Word header, not being tagged as an artifact in you output PDF.

Ran some quick trials.
A jpeg file in a MS Word header to serve as the logo.
Some filler text for Word Styles (headings 1, 2, 3) and a footnote (placed at page bottom - not in the footer).

The settings provided an output PDF that passed the Full Checker's criteria.
The TouchUp Reading Order Tool show read order as ok.

For Converson Settings Tabs, aside from those mentioned below, all settings were left with the default.
Settings Tab
Enable Accessibility and Reflow with tagged Adobe PDF - Selected
Word Tab
Enable advanced tagging - Selected for the first trial, de-selected for second trial.
n.b., If "Enable Accessibility..." is not selected then the Enable advanced tagging choice is grayed out/not available.

For both, the image ("figure") in the header was tagged as an artifact in the output PDF files.

A third trial was done with Enable Accessibility and Reflow... de-selected.
As expected, this output PDF was not tagged. To remediate for Section 508 Accessibility it would be
neccessary to manually tag the PDF.

Another variable that appears to impact the tagged output PDF is the Distiller Job Option selected.
When I use the Standard Conversion Setting the output PDF's tab order is inconsistent with the structure order.
When one of the custom job options I routinely use is in play this is not an issue; so, no post processing needed.

If you engage in file play to see what happens to the output PDF as a result of different conversion settings
do use "save as" to force MS Word to re-write the altered "under the hood" stuff.

Just an observation here. When I select Enable Accessibility and Reflow... and output a PDF from MS Word
(Office 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007) the header/footer content is consistently tagged as an artifact. Same thing
with FrameMaker 7.2 or 8 when I've established the desired setup for my output PDFs.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Jan 18 2011
Posts: 1
When I Save As a document from Word 2007 (docx)to Acrobat, the footer that is there in the Word document does not appear in the pdf output. However, if I adjust the position of the text in the footer in the Word document so that it comes within the Bottom margin of the output pdf document, then it comes in the output. My first question is whether the margin is the issue here? And if it is, how do I change the default margin setting for the purpose of the Save As to pdf?

Would appreciate help here.
