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Prompting for choosing service when trying to open pdf files

Registered: May 15 2007
Posts: 2


we are trying to open pdf files from our Documentum system. My system has a acrobat 7.0 version previously it was a 4.0 version.
When I try to open a pdf file it is asking me to chose a service from a list of applications.

Registered: Nov 25 2007
Posts: 2
I think you can try reinstall acrobat 7.0 to correct this.

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Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
I suspect that the code in your Documentum setup still points to where Adobe Acrobat 4 "lived" on your work desktop. Had a similar issue at work.
Acrobat 6 (& up) install to a different path/location than did version 4 or 5 (on the desktop).
Might ask your IT/Documentum Admin(s) to check this.

Be well...