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Creating large size PDF document from AutoCAD

Registered: Mar 11 2011
Posts: 2

I'm new to working with PDF documents and I have tried to create a 24x36 PDF document from AutoCAD thru my HP plotter. The problem is when I select the size of the document to print there are no large sizes to select i.e. arch B, C, D etc.
I know others have been able to plot large PDF's can anyone help me with this???

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2010
Posts: 11
Accepted Answer
I am working on AutoCAD 2010 Mechanical. IF I choose plot from the file menu, then choose my HP plotter as device, the paper size selection displays a large variety of paper sizes, including the Arch D (24x36). IS this how you're doing it? Do you have The full Acrobat Writer installed?
Could you explain your final goal? Are you trying to come up with a pdf file or an actual paper plot from your HP?
I'm not sure why you're converting to PDF if you what the paper plot or vice versa?



Registered: Nov 3 2010
Posts: 11
IF you are trying to create a PDF from inside AutoCAD, you can choose PDF as your plot device when working on the PLOT menu (if you have the writer software installed - which I saw you mention Acrobat Standard). At my end, when I choose it, I can see the larger paper sizes to pick from. You shouldn't have to go through your HP plotter if you only want the PDF file.
...Don't know if that helps....


Registered: Mar 11 2011
Posts: 2
CAMM thanks for the reply. My objective is to create large size PDF drawings that can be emailed to my co nsultants and builders. You mention writer software installation. I am not sure if that comes with Adobe Acrobat standard? My be that is the problem?? I normally work in plot menu, select Adobe PDF then select paper size and that is were the problem is, I don't see architectural size drawings to select from.
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
re: "Writer"
When Acrobat (Standard or Professional) is installed you get the Adobe PDFMaker and Adobe Distiller.
The "Adobe Printer" is installed and, just as if printing to paper, you can use it to pass info through Distiller to obtain the "virtual" paper of PDF.
However, PDFMaker provides more robust support for PDF from AutoCAD; provided you are using Acrobat X.
Acrobat releases prior to Acrobat X do not support AutoCAD 2010.
See: PDFMaker Compatibility Listing
Alternatively, you could plot to PDF from within AutoCAD 2010.
See: AutoCAD 2010 User Documentation Topic

Be well...

Registered: Nov 3 2010
Posts: 11
Thanks for the info Dave and the clarification of my "writer" generalization. I am working with Acrobat 9 Pro. Good to know there will be good things to look forward to when I am able to move onto Acrobat X.