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Change name in Comments from User Login

Registered: Apr 14 2010
Posts: 3

I've installed Acrobat 9 Pro. It has picked up my user name (Kathy) from my computer. But I'm commenting on files that are being commented on by other people named Kathy. I need to change the name in my comments.

I've seen the video in the tutorial here:

In the tutorial, Bowman is working in Acrobat Pro Extended. This fix does not work in Acrobat Pro. Yes, you can change the name in an individual comment, but checking the "Make properties default" box does not mean that the changed user name will show up on your next comment. (Properties like color become the default; the user name does not.)

Does anyone know a way to change this so I don't have to modify the name on every single comment? (And why, oh why, does Adobe insist on picking up your computer's user name and putting it in the Preferences > Identity box all grayed-out so you can't modify it [i]there[/i]--where it would make the most sense?)


Kathy, who can't type her last name without an error...

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Under Edit > Preferences > Commenting category uncheck "Always use Login-in Name for Author Name".

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Apr 14 2010
Posts: 3
Okay, let me apologize for being an idiot. :)

At one point, I had it unchecked in both the files I've been working on.

But at some time in my installing/uninstalling/reinstalling Acrobat (in hopes it would decide to pick up the name I'd renamed my computer to), I guess it got re-checked. I've just tried again, and it's working the way the tutorial says it should.

I had to type my last name in 40+ comments on two files I worked on yesterday. I think I've been punished enough...and I'm quite sure I've learned my lesson and won't make this error again. :)

Thanks for your help.


Kathy, who only has to type her last name once in each file from now on...