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Client cannot print comments summary with Acrobat Reader 8.0

Registered: Dec 9 2009
Posts: 2

I shared a pdf created in Acrobat 9 Pro for Mac with clients who use Acrobat Reader 8.0. for Windows. They were able to comment (sticky notes), I combined all comments into one master document.

With Acrobat Pro 9 I can print the comments on one side of the page and the original document on the opposite page. However, my client does not have this option.

Now I would like to save the pdf the same way the print document looks so I can forward it to the client for a telephone review.

Can anybody here advice me if that is possible and if yes, how.

Thanks, Dieter

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.2, Macintosh
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Something to try.

Run your collect comments master PDF through -
Comments > Summarize CommentsIn the Summarize Options dialog, configure as desired.
Then click the "Create PDF Comment Summary".
Share this PDF.

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