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Collaborate Live Page Sharing

Registered: Mar 26 2010
Posts: 3


We've recently started using collaborate live for document review, specifically the page view synchronization feature. In general it has worked great and proved to be quite useful, but I was wondering about a problem that has occurred a handful of times.

Every once in a while, if two of us try to change to a new page at virtually the same time, our views will become 'unsynchronized' (for instance, I end up on page 2 while another collaborator ends up on page 4, even though we have both enabled page sharing). The first time this happened it was quite confusing, as I was trying to discuss a particular feature that obviously didn't exist in the page my friend was viewing at the time.

Is this a bug, or do we perhaps have something configured incorrectly? Its a minor problem, but it does create some unnecessary conversation about what page we are all looking at, even though that is what this feature is supposed to eliminate. Any insight would be appreciated.

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Does the problem correct itself if you stop sharing then start sharing? Does this re-sync things?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Mar 26 2010
Posts: 3
lkassuba wrote:
Does the problem correct itself if you stop sharing then start sharing? Does this re-sync things?
I will try this the next time it happens. The handful of times we have experienced this problem one of us just moves to a different page and back, which re-syncs things. So we know how to re-sync when necessary, we were just hoping for a way to avoid the problem entirely.
Registered: Jul 30 2007
Posts: 3
Hi, rajasika.
Are you still using this Collaborate Live feature? If so, I'd love to chat briefly.
Email me if you can. Thank!
dstromfe {{at}} adobe {{dot}} com

Dave Stromfeld, Product Manager - Acrobat
Adobe Systems
Twitter: @acro_dave