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Registered: Apr 9 2007
Posts: 2

I am a member of a small task force exploring the use of Adobe for use as a main electronic drawing review vehicle. We would like to be able to create custom mark-up tools to eliminate having to change the properties over and over again. For example, we would like to be able to switch back and forth between using a yellow/50% opaque rectangle and a red-bordered clear rectangle without having to fuss with the properties each time. The most user-efficient ideal is to have a botton for each rectangle type. Is this something that we can customize within Acrobat?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.6, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
You can always set the default properties to the current values. However, if you want, for example, 4 different flavors of rectangle you'll need do something different. There are two easly approaches.

1. Use custom stamps that look like commenting annotion type you want, with a custom stamp for each variation.

2. Use JavaScript to dynamically generate the annotation you want, or modify the annotation to look the way you want.

Both of these can be implimented as custom toolbar buttons. Look at [url=]AcroButtons[/url]. This is a tool for creating custom toolbar buttons in Acrobat.

Thom Parker
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