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Comments disabled on pdf files attached to a master pdf file

Registered: Jan 26 2009
Posts: 2

Hello all,

I have looked through these forums, Adobe's help pages and all over google using as many search terms as I can think of trying to find an answer to this problem.

I have a pdf file created with Acrobat 9 Pro with comments enabled etc which works fine. I have been asked to attach several other pdf files to this "master' pdf file. These pdf files also have commenting enabled. My problem is, when I attach these files (by using the "Attach File as a Comment" function), all the attached pdfs suddenly have commenting disabled. Existing comments are there but there is no facility to add new comments. Commenting is still enabled on the master pdf file, but not for any of the attached files. Unfortunately there is a need for commenting to be enabled on these attached pdf documents, not just on the master pdf.

Is what I'm trying to achieve even possible? I will admit I am not an advanced user of Acrobat so I do not know. Is the reason that comments are disabled on the attached files because they are themselves attached as "comments"?

I have noted that when opening these attached files from the master pdf and looking at the security settings, under "Document Restrictions" commenting is disallowed even though on the original pdf files commenting is allowed. Is there away to change these document restrictions when the files are attached?

I would grealy appreciate some help with this matter as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Sep 6 2009
Posts: 1