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Enabling Comments by Default

Registered: May 11 2007
Posts: 2

Is there any way to set "Enable for Commenting in Acrobat Reader" on by default? There does not appear to be a Preference setting for this, but I am hoping there is something under the hood somewhere. I've finally convinced my Engineers to use this mark-up/commenting feature, but now it is an extra step for me to open each PDF I create and save with this option turned on :-(.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Dec 14 2005
Posts: 180
No. To enable forms in batches, you have to buy a LiveCycle Server product.

Carl Young

A certified expert on Adobe Acrobat, Carl Young is an Adobe Acrobat and LiveCycle Designer trainer and consultant based in Phoenix. He is the producer of the [link=]PDF Conference[/link].