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Measurement @D tool

Registered: May 14 2008
Posts: 4

I am reviewing a drawing document in PDF and want to be able to find the distance between any two objects. A scale is needed to create dimensional information between any two points. To do this I click on the distance tool in Acrobat 8 prof which opens the scale parameter window. Then I enter different values and see how accurate the dimension between two known points is. When I finally match the scale parameters to give me the proper distance, I can then dimension any two objects on the drawing. I can then close and open the same file and find the scale to remain unchanged. You can also change the magnification and the scale remains accurate. This is great. When I turn off the program and then open it again, the distance measurement tool has forgotten the settings I gave it. My question is how do I attach this measurement information to the particular drawing in question so that I do not have to enter the scale again. Can I take the piece of paper with the scale parameters off the wall?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Sounds like you need to turn off the following preference:
Edit --> Preference --> (Measure 2D or 3D)"Use scale and measurements from model."

Deselect this option to specify the units of measurements manually. This setting can be changed in the 2D/3D Measurement Tool palette under the Options menu.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: May 14 2008
Posts: 4
Carried this out. No response. Did you try this first?
Registered: May 14 2008
Posts: 4
Process of responding seems non intuitive. I just want to advise you that your "guess" didn't work. Isn't there some "How to..." process to do this?
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
I've just got a little more detail on this. The scale is either embedded (i.e., when using the PDFmaker macro in AutoCAD) or set by the person viewing the document. If the "Use Scale and Units from Document (when present)" option is selected then the scale set when the file was created is used. If that option is deselected, or if there is no scale present, then the user viewing the document can set the scale ratio, but the values selected are not retained after Acrobat is closed.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for