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Review Deadlines with Acrobat 8 Professional

Registered: Aug 12 2008
Posts: 17


With regards to the Shared Review feature, why are reviewers still allowed to publish comments once the deadline has passed? Shouldn't they be notified that the review has ended and they are no longer allowed to publish comments?

Also, I tried deleting the source (xxx_Review) file once the review (supposedly) ended, thinking that if the source file on the shared server was gone, reviewers must surely not be able to publish any more comments. However, once the source file was deleted, reviewers were still able to open their respective copies of the file, add comments, and then publish them - all of this unbeknownst to me, the initiator. Is there an explication for this? Using version 8, how can I ensure that comments are no longer added once the review deadline has passed?

Thank you...

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
The review deadlines aren't enforced in Acrobat 8 but they are in v9. Here is an [url=]article[/url] with more detail for you.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for