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Text size hotkey

Registered: Nov 2 2010
Posts: 3

I used to work in QuarkXPress for years, in that program I could hit 'CTRL-Shift-Alt' + ',' (to shrink text size) or + '.' (to increase text size).
I've tried about 20 different hotkey combos and searched as many sites for how to do this and have come up short. Although I did figure out how to size text up and down with my mouse (ctrl-e + turning on some option helped with that), it's driving me nuts to not be able to hotkey this command.
Any ideas?

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi matt222333,

If you are talking about changing the magnification on screen try just Ctrl + or -

Or please explain what you mean by changing the text size? Is it text in comments specifically?

Registered: Nov 2 2010
Posts: 3
Yeah, I mean after you've drawn a text box with the text box tool. I'm looking for a hotkey that will increase or decrease the size of that text, when I have it highlighted.
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi matt222333,

No, there is no hotkey for that. Ctrl-D will bring up the Properties toolbar, then you select font size and other properties for the selected text from that.

Hope this helps,

Registered: Nov 2 2010
Posts: 3
boooooooooo :)... I miss my hotkeys!

But, thanks for the heads up Dimitri.