Accounting staff in our office input comments and status of various Board of County Commissioners actions pertaining to financial transactions of the County. Because there are 7 accountants, more than one can open a single PDF file at the same time and begin adding their comments. They each may be in the document for an hour before they are ready to close it. At that time is when Acrobat will launch its popup window to everyone who accessed the file after the first person, indicating the file can not be saved because another user has it open, or it is a Read Only file. Only one accountant's comments will be saved, and everyone else who was in the file will lose their work.
Is there a way to have Acrobat launch that popup warning at the time the file is accessed when it is already open? It is important that we retain only the one original file, rather than have each accountant save the same file over and over again - it would be difficult to know which one is the latest-greatest version. I have searched the Web and this site extensively, and have been unable to find the answer.
Thank you,
What you should do, however, is use the Shared Review feature of Acrobat instead of placing the file on a network drive and have everyone access it at the same time.
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