I have read a couple of other posts with this question, although none have been answered.
We currently have a WebDAV repository set up to work with our Acrobat 8 users, and we are going to be moving our server to a new location on a new public IP address in a couple of months. I would like to know what the new folder names will be for each document, so we can write a script ahead of time to move the comments into the appropriate new folders.
The document entitled 'Acrobat Online Collaboration: Setup and Administration' states (incorrectly) in the 'Data Structure' section that the repository folders are an MD5 hash of the document location after converting the domain name to an IP address
Tthe example given in the document is http://www.example.com/docs/document.pdf being converted to via DNS lookup, and then hashed to UAtOJErFgHsL2xbLvPPJgC using MD5 (this is not an MD5 hash...MD5 returns hex).
Can someone please shed some light on what exactly is being used to create this hash? Thanks in advance
Launch Acrobat and Press Control-J, which launches the Javascript Console. (Review the Acrobat Scripting Guide for tips on using the console - http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/acrobat/sdk/AcroJSGuide.pdf)
Type the following into the console:
Press Control-Enter to evaluate the line, and you should be returned MeXDnl-_sqO9KjZcZUNpdA, which would be the folder created for this PDF file.
I haven't gotten much further than this with regard to batching and outputting to a database or anything, but this should get anyone started who has this problem.