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Acrobat pro 9.0 runtime error

Registered: Sep 9 2008
Posts: 3

Hi need some urgent help here

Jus purchase ver9.0 Pro and installed on my office Win XP SP3 computer and it can't work!

The moment I open Acrobat application, it shows runtime error and needs to be closed blah blah... and off it closed.

I tried to change the plugin.api to plugin.api.old, still don't work.

Anyone has any idea how to run it?

I tried to run the program on the 'local computer' mode and the application opens up no mention of runtime error.

Please help... :o

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
This error is usually associated with a re-directed application data folder. There are some user suggestions on how to fix this at:


Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Sep 9 2008
Posts: 3
Hi Ikassuba

Thank you so much for pointing and sharing the links.

I can't decipher the codes so I got our outsource engineers to modify the codes for our network, which took a while. We tweak it on our login script and it worked! thank goodness.

Now only other issue is with the fonts. Times New Romans seems to be affected somehow...