At the company I work for, users randomly receive activation errors when trying to print using the Adobe PDF printer. Some users receive this message quite regularly, others never. A reboot will often fix the issue, if not then a reinstall does. One user today received the message for the first time, he's had the product installed since December, uses it everyday and now today received the error. A reboot did not solve the issue. I had to reinstall. I asked him if he was using any programs that he hasn't used in a while, but he was using the same programs he uses everyday. I have been in contact with Adobe Support on numerous occasions and they have offered little guidance. Their suggestions include: Deleting the cache.db file, moving the file and renaming the Flexnet folder, all of which do not solve the issue. They believe that some other process is stepping on the licensing service. Plausible if rebooting always fixed it, it does not. The good part of this is that it is fixable in all cases but very time consuming and annoying. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for