Can anyone point me to the location of a Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.1 standard instalaltion file that does not include the Google toolbar and the on Adobe AIR. I need to deploy this full version (or Update) to sopem 3800 computers adn do not wish to include the Google Toolbar and the addons.
There was a download file AdbeRdr90_en_US_Std.exe (25MB) for version 9.0, is there one for version 9.1?
and there were 3 files:
02/28/09 01:46AM 26,739,584 AdbeRdr910_en_US.exe
02/28/09 12:46AM 41,461,760 AdbeRdr910_en_US.msi
02/28/09 01:46AM 43,083,040 AdbeRdr910_en_US_Std.exe
I am downloading the 2 exe and seeing if the 26Mb one is what I am looking for.