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Arcobat 9 Pro Extended - Works in 64-bit Windows 7?

Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 25

I purchased Acrobat 9 Pro extended and am currently running it under 32-bit Windows XP.

Does Acrobat 9 Pro Extended run under 64-bit Windows 7?

Any caveats for running in that environment?

Douglas G. Larson

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420

Adobe's Acrobat FAQ page
provides Windows 7 and Office 2010 information that you may find useful.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 25
Thanks for the information.
I went to Adobe's FAQ page but I get unclear information.

In one section of that page it clearly states that Acrobat 9, while 32-bit, is fully compatible with 64-bit Windows XP, Vista and Windows 2003 Server.

In another section on that same page it clearly states that Acrobat 9 is fully compatible with Windows 7 but doesn't explicitly call out 64-bit Windows 7.

So, while I have trouble imagining Adobe taking the stance that their products do not run under 64-bit Windows 7 and especially the Adobe Acrobat 9 family of products, it would help matters if they stated so explicitly.

Douglas G. Larson

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
You will need to patch to 9.2 before it'll support Win7. If you only have 9.0 installer packages, you can still shoehorn it onto your new OS and patch it back to 9.3.

Acrobat is a 32-bit application, and there's currently no reason to consider changing that. Running it on an x64 operating system doesn't therefore make it perform any better, but it does still work as all Windows x64 platforms will run 32-bit code (the Distiller virtual printer is fine in 32-bit, as it's not a "real" device driver). We've tested Acrobat on Windows 7 x64 Home, Pro and Ultimate, and with the 9.3 patches applied it works fine (as does 3D Reviewer). Presenter 7, also 32-bit, works on Win7 x64 platforms running 32-bit MS Office (2007 or earlier) but does _not_ support Office 2010.

If you're running native x64 web browsers, the Acrobat plugins seem to be working OK (of course in 32-bit mode) but we haven't been able to try every combination, and the Firefox x64 build is still very experimental. If you notice any issues with your install, please let us know.