I'm having a problem where I believe access to a PDF file hosted on a website that is not under my control is being blocked. Using a browser, I go to an link that gets an .fdf file (https://server.com/file.fdf). Inside the fdf file is a /F (https://server.com/file.pdf) call.
If the install of Acrobat Reader 9.3.3/9.3.4 has been done straight from the web, a yellow bar appears asking if you want to trust it once or add the host to the privileged locations, and then the PDF file opens fine.
However, if we use the Adobe Customization Wizard and install Reader via Group Policy, the experience is not the same. The only things changed from default in the ACW were disabling updates, Acrobat.com, purchasing Acrobat, and we added the website in question to the Privileged Locations list. In this case, a blank window opens when clicking on the link, but nothing further happens. If I right click and save the .fdf file to my computer, and then double click on the file, I get a Security Block message that "Acrobat does not allow connection to: https://server.com/file.pdf".
This behavior has been seen in IE8 and Firefox.
Any help would be appreciated.
Cross Domain Violations to allow opening an FDF from the Desktop but getting the PDF from the web.
Data Injection to do anything with the FDF.