I am currently using a paid for Acrobat Pro 9.0.0 on a 8-core quad Mac Pro running under 10.5.8. I tried to upgrade to 9.1, downloaded the upgrade and tried to installed it. However, during the install, it asked where 9.0.0 was located. I located 9.0 within the upgrade window. However, it was grayed out! So, I couldn't upgrade. Without 9.1 installed, I can't use the patches 9.1.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.3, and 9.2. I am stuck with a very early version of the software as I cannot upgrade or patch without first upgrading to 9.1.upgrading to 9.1 first.
I did try to reinstall 9.0.0 but had no success in upgrading. I downloaded the upgrades and patches directly from the Adobe web site. By the way, I did not have a problem upgrading Acrobat Reader to 9.2.1. I just can't figure out how to fix the Acrobat problem.
Can any help me?
I am running Mac OS 10.5.8 on a quad Mac Pro with 12 GB RAM.
Thanks for any help or suggestions.
Tom Casselman
cassco [at] c-fourth [dot] com
Upgrades come in several versions. Did you download the Mac version or Windows version?
My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.