I have a volume license for Acrobat Pro 9. I've been on 5 million projects so I'm just now getting around to deployment (have had since Christmas). As I've been on my other projects and have had people complain, we've done manual installs of Acrobat Pro. Now, we're ready to deploy and I've been creating a transform with the customization wizard. One of the things we want to do is disable collobaration. It works perfectly on any computer that doesn't already have Acrobat Pro installed. if the computer has Acrobat Pro installed, its just as if the transform is being ignored. The collobaration is still there, the adobe.com links are still there. I've tried uninstalling Acrobat, removing everything from the registry, and deleting all the files I could find. then on the re-install, the collobaration and everything is still there. So, I'm missing something obviously, but I can't find it. Anyone have any ideas?
We're using Windows XP SP3. Thanks!
Are you sure you have removed all the items from the registry? Be sure to dig in HKCU (Current_User). Almost all of this stuff is burried in there. Not in HKLM.
In working through the collab' stuff, I found that my ID was stored in:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\9.0\ShareIdentity
name: tEMail
type: REG_SZ
Just 'Removing' the manual install of Acrobat will usually only remove the keys that were actually installed with it. Not ones that were added during program use.
Due to the nature of HKCU the scrub needs to occur while the user is logged on.
In general, removal of:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Distiller
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat PDFMaker
should be sufficient to clean most user settings up.
To get everything is beyond the scope of this quick reply, but could be posted if asked.
I hope this helps.
Douglas Hanna is a member of the Production Print Technology team at Aon.