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Preferred order to install multiple Adobe apps?

Registered: Apr 10 2007
Posts: 2

When performing a clean install of Acrobat Pro 7.0, FrameMaker 7.0, Creative Suite 2.0, and RoboHelp 5.0 on a WinXP/Pro desktop, what is the preferred sequential order of installation?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.8, Windows
Registered: Sep 28 2005
Posts: 248
I would start with CS2, Frame, RoboHelp then with A7 being last. The primary reason being that Acrobat tends to want to integrate with other apps. If the app isn't there, it has a hard time integrating.

From a stability perspective, any order will do as none of these, with the exception of Acrobat, tend to step on each other all that much.

Douglas Hanna is a member of the Production Print Technology team at Aon.