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Problem in installing Acrobat 8.0 Pro

Registered: Jul 26 2006
Posts: 18

I use IE6.0 and WinXP SP-e Home edition. I cannot rremove Adobe 7.0 Pro when I use the control panel add/remove. Do I have to uninstall before installing Adobe 8.0 Pro? If I must uninstall the older how can I proceed to do this. TIA

Pres/Ceo Telephonics Management Systems. Consultants to health industry and to Gov't IT.

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Yes, you should remove the older version first. Here are some tips on removing the older version:

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Jul 26 2006
Posts: 18
Thank you for your reply. While waiting for help I inserted the Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro CD I had purchased ands found that it would automatically remove 7.0before installing the new program. I proceeded to run it and the new program installed beautifully.

Pres/Ceo Telephonics Management Systems. Consultants to health industry and to Gov't IT.