Hi All,
Hopefully a guru can help with this one.
I'm experimenting with Acrobat 9 and have a form that contains a drop-down box (combo box) with several different names in it. I want the user to be able to click on a name, then click a "Submit" button next to it that will email the form to the person they selected.
For instance, the dropdown would contain names as follows:
Joe Blow
Joe Plumber
Sara Bellum
I want to assign their email address (@somewhere.org) to each name.
A "Submit" button would be next to this dropdown that would actually email the form.
Hope someone can handhold a Acrobat 9 noobie on this one - Thanks!
When setting up the combo box, set the export value of each item to the corresponding email address for the item. The value of the combo box field will then be the email address of the selected item.