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Adobe Reader 8 and submitform

Registered: Jul 5 2007
Posts: 4

Hi, I'm rather new on Adobe. In IE my users fill in a (PDF-)form with some javascripts on. When cliking a button a 'submitform' sends XFDF to my web-application. The submitform works fine with Adobe Reader 7 (and 5 and 6) but not with 8 (nothing happens). What can my users do, if they want to use Reader 8 ? Which settings should be changed ? What can I do ? Thanks !

My Product Information:
Reader 8, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
This is a mystery. I've done plenty of submit form actions that work across the board from Acrobat 5 to 8 without a problem. Has anyone else seen this on another system? Can you post this form somewhere we can look at it?

There may be something else going on here. Acrobat 8 has much greater security that previous versions. You should look at the security settings in the Acrobat Preferences.

Is there another action that's going on right before the submit that 8 might be objecting to? Acrobat 8 also display warning messages that allow the user to block web access. Could you have told Acrobat at some point to block this web site?

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Jul 5 2007
Posts: 4
Hi Thom,
I have tried to change some of the security settings, but perhaps I don't know which ones to change.
You can see my form at [url=][/url]
If the data 'Underskrift' is filled with just something, and you click the SEND-button, this javascript is executed:

function send_dokument()
var toUrl = this.getField("csc-urladr").value;

this.getField("csc-dokstatus").value = 1; // blanktten er sendt
this.getField("sendknap").hidden=true; //skjul SEND knappen
this.getField("menuknap").hidden=false; //vis MENU knappen
this.getField("csc-kvittering").value=""; //blank kvitteringsdata
this.getField("csc-kvittering").hidden=false; //åbn kvitteringsfeltet
beskyt(); //skrivebeskyt alle felter (protect all fields)

PS. Neither Mozilla Firefox or IE works with AR v.8.x
Thanks in advance !