Hi, I'm rather new on Adobe. In IE my users fill in a (PDF-)form with some javascripts on. When cliking a button a 'submitform' sends XFDF to my web-application. The submitform works fine with Adobe Reader 7 (and 5 and 6) but not with 8 (nothing happens). What can my users do, if they want to use Reader 8 ? Which settings should be changed ? What can I do ? Thanks !
There may be something else going on here. Acrobat 8 has much greater security that previous versions. You should look at the security settings in the Acrobat Preferences.
Is there another action that's going on right before the submit that 8 might be objecting to? Acrobat 8 also display warning messages that allow the user to block web access. Could you have told Acrobat at some point to block this web site?
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script