*SOLVED* (see 2nd post)
I've spent the last 24 hours scouring the web for a solution to this problem without luck. I am trying to create a field on an Acrobat form that only allows numbers (and decimal) for input, and then formats the result with an added "WAS $" in front. I do not want the user to enter the dollar sign or the WAS text to enforce all forms created by various users to include the same wording.
Thanks to this site I was able to figure out that by adding
event.value = "WAS " + util.printf("$%,0.2f", event.value);
as a Custom Format Script, I could handle the addition of the "WAS $" static copy and format a valid value in a $#.## format.
Separately, I determined that by adding
var re = /[0-9.]/; if (re.test(event.change)) { event.rc = true; } else event.rc = false;
as a Custom Keystroke Script I could force number and decimal entries only.
What doesn't seem to work is combining these two scripts to do both. If I use just the former code, an end user could attempt to enter alpha characters and/or symbols and get the result "WAS $nan". If I go with just the latter, I actually get nothing for a result? Can someone please steer me in the right direction to achieve the ultimate goal I need?
I am using Acrobat Pro 9.3.3 (not an option in forum dropdowns) on Mac OS X 10.6.3.
I located (http://www.acrobatusers.com/tutorials/2006/formatting_text_fields) which explained the "correct" way to allow only number and decimal keystrokes, which worked beautifully with the format script I was already using to add the "WAS $" copy.
Sorry for causing a stir first thing in the morning. But it did lead me to find a fantastic resource for Acrobat form editing. :)