I am using Acrobat Professional 8.1.6
I have approximatly 492 pdf files already created. These are old paper documents that have been scanned. No Forms or form fields.
I have included the following in the Will Print function for a single pdf and it works great.
The question I have is if there is a way to automate getting this code in the will print function in the already created 400+ pdf's so that I do not have to do it 1 by 1?
var sPrintText = "Printed on " + util.printd("mmm dd, yyyy", new Date()) + " at " + util.printd("HH:MM",new Date());
this.addWatermarkFromText({cText: sPrintText, nFontSize: 12, bOnScreen: false, bOnPrint: true, nTextAlign: 2, nHorizAlign: 2, nVertAlign: 0, nHorizValue: -52, nVertValue: +375 });
If so Reader can not add a water mark.
Also, those users with Acrobat should not save the PDF after printing as the water mark will become part of the PDF.
You could use a form field, print but not visible, to hold the data and update the value of the field through the 'willPrint' action.
In batch processing one can use the 'setAction()' method.
George Kaiser